Additional Data Resources
Latest Monthly Labor Force Data (Hoosiers by the Numbers):
Monthly Resource Link
Further Commuting Data (Hoosiers by the Numbers):
Commuting Data
Workforce-related Infographics Menu (Hoosiers by the Numbers):
Workforce Info-graphics
Stats Indiana (for more workforce and state data):
General Statistical Data
Corporation and School-level Education Data (IDOE Compass):
Educational Data
ICHE College Readiness Reports (ICHE):
College Readiness
ICHE College Readiness Dashboard (ICHE):
College Readiness Dashboard
The links below will show statistics for Northwest Indiana Post-Secondary Enrollment, Completions, and Graduate Counts for the five most recent years data is available.
Total Enrollment: Enrollments 2010-2015
Completions: Total Completions by Institutions
Graduates: Graduate Counts by Major