CWI serving as Career Champions in “Bridging the Gap to Student Success” 

Valparaiso, IND. (October 17, 2024) —Beginning this fall, the Center of Workforce Innovations is looking to change how Northwest Indiana students see their occupational futures with the launch of “Bridging the Gap to Student Success.” The new program, made possible through a $1 million grant from the Indiana Commission for Higher Education, assists high school juniors and seniors in finding their ideal profession through career engagement, exploration, and experience.  

CWI will engage with school districts throughout Northwest Indiana to provide interactive workforce-ready workshops and skill assessments designed to help learners identify potential career pathways to pursue upon graduation including postsecondary options. In addition, resources will be provided to students, parents, and educators to facilitate discussions about various opportunities. 

The program will prioritize schools in historically marginalized communities within the region. To ensure that every classroom can receive assistance upon request, the organization is collaborating with six area partners to administer the workshops, including Calumet College of St. Joseph, Gary Alumni Pathways for Students (GAPS), Indiana University Northwest, JobWorks, Junior Achievement of Chicago, and Ivy Tech Community College.  

“For area businesses, Bridging the Gap for Student Success creates a pipeline of potential talent for the many in-demand careers that are available now and in the future,” explains Nicole Rodriquez, Director of Ready NWI. “But the main benefactors are truly the students, who may have never seriously considered what awaits them after graduation. It allows them to explore all the region’s great options — whether it’s one of our amazing educational institutions or a path into a skilled trade.” 

As a result of House Enrolled Act 1002, passed by the Indiana General Assembly in 2023, the funding for this project was provided in collaboration with the Indiana Commission for Higher Education to support this work. CWI serves as one of 28 approved intermediaries to support secondary schools throughout the state.  

For more information about Bridging the Gap, contact Nicole Rodriquez at (219) 462-2940 or