IU Northwest is hosting a Maximize Your Dual Credit virtual workshop Wednesday, December 9, 2020, 6pm, for students who have taken dual credit classes through the Indiana University System. They could be on their way to earning a Bachelor’s degree in less than four years. This workshop is designed to help with understanding how the dual credit classes can be applied towards a college degree of interest.
Information about exclusive benefits available will be shared.
Scholarship Opportunities
- IU Dual Credit Scholarship**- $500/year
- Raise Me Scholarship – up to $2,000/year {Learn more at www.iun.edu/raiseme}
- Academic Scholarship – $2,000/year {Learn more at www.iun.edu/scholarships}
- Chancellor’s Merit Scholarship – $1,000/year {Learn more at www.iun.edu/scholarships}
Dual credit students of Indiana University have guaranteed admission* to IU Northwest and a waived application fee of $35.00 when using the following waiver code ‘NWDUALC.’ Visit Apply IU to apply by December 15, 2020.
Students can sign up visiting www.iun.edu/visit .
*Must have a high school GPA of 2.8 or higher for direct admission.
**Must have a high school GPA of 2.8 or higher. Must be admitted by January 1 and registered for classes by June 1, 2021.